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What is a Coordinate System?


In geometry, a coordinate system is a system that uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of points or other objects.

Types of Coordinate Systems

Cartesian Coordinate System

A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point in a plane using two numbers, usually labeled x and y.

Polar Coordinate System

A polar coordinate system specifies each point in a plane using two numbers, the distance from a fixed point and the angle from a fixed reference line.

Spherical Coordinate System

A spherical coordinate system specifies each point in space using three numbers, the distance from a fixed point, the angle from a fixed reference line, and the angle from a fixed reference plane.

Applications of Coordinate Systems

Coordinate systems are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Describing the positions of objects in space
  • Creating maps and charts
  • Solving geometry problems
  • Understanding real-world phenomena


Coordinate systems are a powerful tool for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. They provide a way to describe the positions of objects in space and to make complex problems more manageable. Coordinate systems are essential for understanding the world around us.

