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Valve Shimming Importance And Technique In Modern Motorcycles

Valve Shimming: Importance and Technique in Modern Motorcycles


Valve shimming, a crucial maintenance procedure for internal combustion engines, plays a significant role in optimizing engine performance and longevity. In this article, we focus on valve shimming techniques commonly used on modern motorcycles.

Methods of Valve Adjustment

Valve Adjustment with Shims

In modern bikes, valve adjustments are often made using shims placed under the buckets. This method allows for precise adjustments to the valve clearance, which is the gap between the valve seat and the valve itself.

Procedure for Valve Shimming

Valve shimming typically involves the following steps:

  1. Measure the existing shim size using a shim gauge.
  2. Calculate the required shim size based on the desired valve clearance.
  3. Remove the camshaft and replace the shim with the appropriate size.
  4. Reassemble the camshaft and check the valve clearance to ensure it is within specifications.

Proper valve shimming ensures optimal valve timing and minimizes engine noise and wear.
